An Online Venue for Interactive Student Writing

Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Website

Hi Mr. Dewitt. Click here to be taken to your very own science and social studies website. - Mr. Zork

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Student Poetry

We've just finished a unit on poetry. We broke it down the following way:
1. Although some people don't realize this, poetry doesn't have to rhyme.
2. Poetry, like all writing, is a special form of art.
3. Sometimes, in poetry, it's okay to break the rules of English, as long as it was purposeful, and done for effect.
4. Poetry is AWESOME!

Here's a poem I wrote for my students:

The seven best alive
Are quiet as can be
I witness as they strive
To attempt geometry
I giggle at their eyes
They're squinting, deep in thought
Like undercover spies
They're absorbing what I've taught
And so stand to leave
I'm feeling like a drink
But since I'm not naive
I give a knowing wink
It says, "I'm stepping out
You should know what is at stake
If open up your mouth
I will not cut a break"
But I didn't underscore
Before I left the room
That to shut and lock the door
Would bring a horrid doom
But there was something they didn't see
As the door behind me closed
I had an extra key
Hidden in my nose

Mr. Zork - Teacher


Once I made a riddle
And I made it little
I made a wooden fiddle
That tasted like a skittle®

A. Henderson - 3rd grade

I once had a stinky friend
Whose stench would never end
So I offered him some sanitizer
Because it's a great neutralizer
When there's a stinky problem, I will always tend

Flying by so fast
The fans are cheering a name
Ten seconds to go

A. DeWitt 8th grade

Swords, sheilds, and crossbows
Help me with this injured man
Launch it now! Cling, clang

Snow is in my face
Snow is every where in the air
Smash, smash, fire away

W. Gardner - 4th grade

There once was a fish
That made a big wish
In a great ocean
With some hand lotion

I really do like grade school
My friends think I'm a fool
The best subject is English
I am also very selfish

C. Powell - 4th grade

Amazing dirt bike
Speeding like lightening bolts
Mud smeared red and black

I once had a friend named Bert
And he really liked to flirt
With a puny little squirt
in a bulky fat dress skirt
Then he drank some ginger ale
While looking at the richter scale
He thought he saw a killer wale
With a bow tie on his tail

L. Henderson - 5th grade

I tried to have some fun
At my best friend's house
We played a video game
But it was sort of lame
It was about a mouse

Tiredness spreading
Eyes like heavy Cadillacs
Lips very drooly

Go to Florida soon
Spring is getting warmer now
Have a fun time there

A. Clements - 6th grade

I pulled the fire alarm
While at my Grandpa's farm
He thought there was a fire
I guess I was a liar

H. Powell - 2nd grade

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yellow Stone Vacation

We were going around the country, but little did we know that at the end of our trip we would have tons of trouble.
We were going to Yellow Stone. Down the dark road I was up in my bed looking out the windows and I finally fell asleep. I woke up Saturday morning at Walmart, in the parking lot. Then we went on a boat and won free Pizza. After that we drove for a couple days. We went through the Bad Lands to Rushmore. We also went to a place called Reptile Gardens, but that was before Rushmore. A m an showed us a rattle snake and a king cobra. The same man was with tons of alligators. We got to Rushmore at night. The light on the faces of our presidents. We slept at the K. A. Y. That night. A couple days later, we went to see the sate of Utah and visited friends. We went up a waterfall and spent the night at their place.
The next day we went to a space Imax movie. Then we left and drove all day and spent the night at the Grand Tea Tons. We finally got to Yellow Stone the next day. We saw the Old Faithful Inn. After a couple minutes, we saw the one and only Old Faithful geyser erupt. We also saw another one erupt from far away. We spent the night at Fishing Bridge. It was a place where you could fish but the people fishing lowered the trout population and everything went wrong.
The next morning we went to the point pots in Yellow Stone. We smelled tons of stinky sulfur. Once, the sulfur was so thick it smelled so awful, but my dad hardly smelled it. All of the sudden a bison stood right in the middle of the path we were one, causing a traffic jam. It finally went off the path. Then two baby bison were on the path. One went off and the other stayed for a while. Than it got off and we finally got to the other side. We went back to fishing bridge and spent another night there.

(more to come)

W. Gardner - 4th Grade

My Pets

My dog's name is Queen. She is a puppy who likes to eat.
Sometimes she eats and drinks too fast and gets sick.
Queen has a sister named Princess.
Princess looks like a skunk, and she never get's sick.
My puppies make me happy.

By: H. Powell 3rd Grade

Recess Press Issue #1

Hi Charlotte!

We wanted to thank you all for your helpful comments on our news articles. Here is a link to our finished product.

Recess Press #1

We've enjoyed reading your latests posts--keep up the good writing!

--your friends in Jackson

Monday, October 02, 2006

A Trip to Lake Michigan

It was a hot summer weekend and we were camping at the beach. Adam and I grabbed our booggie boardsand ran towards the gigantic waves. Before we knew it, we were gasping for breath and swimming for our lives.
Wait a minute, you should hear the beginning first. I was at my house and I was packing my stuff that I wanted to take on the camping trip. I had an idea. Maybe my cousin, Adam, wanted to come with us to lake Michigan. I got up off the ground and walked to my parents bedroom. I said, "Can Adam come with us to lake Michigan?" They said that he could come. So I walked back to the kitchen, which is where the phone is, and grabbed the phone. I dialed his phone number. "BRRRRING, BRRRING... Hello?" "Hi, I was wondering if Adam could go to lake Michigan with us. "Sure," said Adam's mom. "He'll pack his stuff and be over in about thirty minuts." "Thank you," I said. I played video games until he came.
After I was done playing video games, I sat on the couch and looked out the window and waited until Adam came. When I saw Adam's car, I ran to the door and waited until he came inside. I opened it before he got to knock. I said, "Let me help you with your stuff." We walked to my room. I put his stuff on the room floor. "Let's play a video game," I said. We played the fovorite one that I had. I accidentally erased my file. Adam said, "oh man!" I said, "oops!" The game was lost, and we had to start a new one.
When it was time to leave, we took the game into the truck, because Adam has a DVD player that can play video games. We hooked up the video game and waited for my dad to start up the truck. My dad hooked up the trailer and we drove off.
Almost the whole way there we played video games. We stopped to stretch, eat, and go to the bathroom if we had to. Adam and I got out, streched and walked over the bridge to go the bathroom. We talked about the video game the whole way there and back. When we got back into the truck, we played video games again, and before too long, we were there.

A. Clements - 6th Grade

A Bump in the Night

One night, while I was in bed, I heard a big "thump." I had no idea what happened. I heard another big thump so I searched around and it was dark and pitch black in the house. I thought I would go to the kitchen to look around. I went to the kitchn and after I got out of the kithchen I looked around some more. I found Lane, my brother, opening the drier and sticking his brown haired head in the drier and then pulling his head out and shutting the door. Then Lane and I went back to bed. Bright and early in the morning, I asked Lane, "what were you doing last night?" He looked at me like I was crazy! "Lane," I said, "you did something funny last night."
"What do you mean, I did something funny last night?" he asked. "You went to the drier and stuck your head in it." "What do you mean," Lane said. "I was sound asleep last night."

A. Henderson - 3rd Grade

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How I Got My Dirt bike

I was walking through the HONDA shop in mason, looking at dirt bikes. After looking around for a while, I finally saw one I liked, but it was to big for me, and my grandpa said it was to big for me. Then I saw the one that was just my size. It was a red and black Honda XR 50, that goes 40 to 50 mph.
My grandpa asked me if I wanted it, and I said, "yes."
Then he asked.
"Do you have the money."
"NO." I said. I felt like I had just got tricked by my grandpa.
So I left the HONDA shop. I did not get my dirt bike.
Then a few weeks later my birthday came. It was icy cold during winter. I woke up from my bed. I got tons of presents. Everything I had asked for. Then my grandpa said.
" Well then I guess you wont be needing what I got you in the garage."
As soon as I heard that, I jumped up and ran out to the garage as fast as I could. I opened the garage door, and there standing on the floor was the red and black HONDA XR 50 I had wanted in the HONDA shop.

L, Henderson 5th grade

Monday, September 25, 2006

A Never Ending Trail

It was a hot summer day, late in the afternoon. I was camping with my cousin Austin and his parents. The sun was beating down on us as we sat on the hard ground in boredom, trying to think of something to do. But little did we know that within the next hour or two, we would be peddling for our lives through the center of the deepest darkest trails in the camp grounds.
We had just finished eating, and our stomachs were completely full. My aunt and uncle were cleaning up while me and Austin were sitting on a bench, staring at the cold hard ground. The sun was so hot, and no matter how hard we tried we could not think of one thing to do.
Finally I stood up and started pacing around in circles, with my hand on my chin. After a while, Austin started to join me.
By the time my aunt and uncle had finished cleaning up, it was about two o'clock in the afternoon. Austin and I were still pacing.
After a while my aunt came over to us and started staring at us with a funny glare. Then she finally said.
"why don't you two go on a bike ride."
Then it hit me. There our bikes were, sitting there so lonely. All by themselves.
After thanking my aunt for her helpful idea, me and Austin got onto our bikes and were headed down the camp roads.
Now, there were many bike trails in this camp ground; but we didn't just want to go on one of them we wanted go on all of them.
While we were going down the camp roads, Austin mentioned.
"Hey Adam, shouldn't we have brought water bottles or food with us."
"No," I said. "We wont be gone that long."

A, DeWitt 8th grade

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

News story about First week of school

When school started it was very fun .we told about our summer and had a test about our selves. We went over our nifty fifty. We all ways go over rule number 20 that is part of our nifty fifty. It took us two hours to go over our nifty fifty. Then we were dun. The nifty fifty is our class rules we only have 4 kids in our school.

--J. Crout, 3rd Grade

Monday, September 18, 2006

Feedback for our news stories

Hello Charlotte!

Our students (minus the one that's still looking for his assignment...) are excited to have their first news stories posted to our blog. They would appreciate any comments and suggestions that you might have to help make their stories better. We'll be publishing our school newsletter next week, so your feedback this week will make a difference.

Look forward to reading your autobiographies later this week.

--Mr. Hill

News story about Science Project

It’s all about “me”. “Me posters that is. In science class we’ve been studying about self esteem and self image. So we made “me”posters to tell about ourselves.

We glued a picture of ourselves in the middle of our posters and wrote our names at the bottom and “me” at the top. We also cut out pictures in magazines that reminded us of ourselves. Some of us glued some silly looking pictures on our posters. But they turned out great.

Also on our “me” posters we wrote words that described us. Some of us are farmers, geniuses, silly, and funny. We had some interesting words about ourselves.

Kylie in 4th grade commented, “The posters were really fun. Some of the pictures looked silly, like one of my chickens. Some were of animals. Some pictures looked neat.”

Katie in 7th grade said, “I thought some of the posters really described people. I think we should do something like that again.”

Jordan in 3rd grade said, “I thought the posters were great! I thought all of them were very colorful.”

The “me” posters really let us know what each other are like.

--K. Adams, 7th Grade

News story about School Uniforms

What do you think about school uniforms? Kylie Burke of the 4th grade said, “They’re cool. I think they make me look smart.” Kylie’s favorite outfit to wear is Navy blue shirt (polo) and black pants. You have a choice of these:

-shirts (all polo):Navy blue, black, white, red, and green(long sleeved or turtlenecks also)
-pants: khaki, navy blue, or black.
-skirts (girls only, lol): khaki, navy blue, black.
-sweaters: navy blue, white, red.

Jordan Crout of the 3rd grade thinks of the uniforms, “they’re ok, and they make me look smart. My favorite outfit to wear is red shirt and khaki pants.”

“I like the uniforms. I think I look smart. My favorite thing to wear is my khaki skirt and navy blue polo t-shirt.” says Katelyn Berridge of the 7th grade.

Next we’ll ask Kody Adams of the 7th grade what he thinks of the uniforms. “I think that they’re nice, because then no one has to take so much time trying to figure out what to wear in the morning. Also, you don’t have to worry about how you look, because everyone looks the same!”

Mr.Hill, the teacher and principle of the school says, “I think the uniforms look fantastic. The students look like they’re here to do work, and it comes across in their behavior.”

The uniforms are obviously something good, and the whole school thinks so. Good night.

--K. Berridge, 7th Grade

News story about Bible Game

When grades 3,4,and 7 made the bible game, they had to Moses the board first.
The path is long and colorful, but it had traps where you go to jail or in Jonah’s
fish. Next Kylie Burke of 4th grade made 30 cards.

She said “ it is very challenging and fun for the family.”
Also Katie Berridge of 7th grade said that “the bible game is fun, and it helped me learn. ”They also made the characters , there were 4, Peter , moses , Eve, and Mary.
Kody Adams of 7th grade said “ its challenging and educational.”
Last they made the stands for the characters and the dice.
They had to make them both out of paper. And Jordan Crout of 3rd grade is the final person that helped create the bible game and he looks like a true artist, lets see what he has to say, “Jordan , what do you have to say about the bible game you helped create?”
“Its really fun, cool, and challenging!”said Jordan Crout.
And that’s our news report of the bible game.

--K. Burke, 4th Grade