How I Got My Dirt bike
I was walking through the HONDA shop in mason, looking at dirt bikes. After looking around for a while, I finally saw one I liked, but it was to big for me, and my grandpa said it was to big for me. Then I saw the one that was just my size. It was a red and black Honda XR 50, that goes 40 to 50 mph.
My grandpa asked me if I wanted it, and I said, "yes."
Then he asked.
"Do you have the money."
"NO." I said. I felt like I had just got tricked by my grandpa.
So I left the HONDA shop. I did not get my dirt bike.
Then a few weeks later my birthday came. It was icy cold during winter. I woke up from my bed. I got tons of presents. Everything I had asked for. Then my grandpa said.
" Well then I guess you wont be needing what I got you in the garage."
As soon as I heard that, I jumped up and ran out to the garage as fast as I could. I opened the garage door, and there standing on the floor was the red and black HONDA XR 50 I had wanted in the HONDA shop.
L, Henderson 5th grade
My grandpa asked me if I wanted it, and I said, "yes."
Then he asked.
"Do you have the money."
"NO." I said. I felt like I had just got tricked by my grandpa.
So I left the HONDA shop. I did not get my dirt bike.
Then a few weeks later my birthday came. It was icy cold during winter. I woke up from my bed. I got tons of presents. Everything I had asked for. Then my grandpa said.
" Well then I guess you wont be needing what I got you in the garage."
As soon as I heard that, I jumped up and ran out to the garage as fast as I could. I opened the garage door, and there standing on the floor was the red and black HONDA XR 50 I had wanted in the HONDA shop.
L, Henderson 5th grade
I liked:
-How you used words like, "icy cold winter."
-The great verbs you put in your story.
I wondered:
-What did the one that you said you liked before you saw the one that fit you look like.
Anonymous, at 11:51 AM
I liked:
-How many details you put in your story, like the name of the dirt bike.
I wondered:
-Is your story real?
-Is the dirt bike real?
-Does it run on gas or battery?
Anonymous, at 11:51 AM
I liked:
-That you got your dirt bike.
-That for Christmas you got everything you wanted.
I wondered:
-Are you careful on your dirt bike?
-When do you ride it?
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
I liked:
-How you said everything that happened between you and your grandpa.
I wondered:
-What is a Honda RX50?
Anonymous, at 11:53 AM
7th grade K.berridge a honda xr50 is a type of dirtbike. by I got to go!
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
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